I conduct free in person classes for amateur radio Technician, General and Extra class licenses. These classes are conducted frequently in the greater Spokane WA area. Contact me by e-mail at ad7fo@arrl.net for information on scheduled classes.
If you have a group of 10 or more individuals interested in a class and have a location where the class can be conducted contact AD7FO at the e-mail above to see if a special class can be arranged.
This web page is provided by Jack Tiley AD7FO to help others get licensed and to learn about the Amateur Radio hobby. Jack is an Extra class license holder, ARRL Certified Instructor, ARRL Eastern Washington Technical Coordinator, ARRL Spokane Area Technical Specialist, ARRL Volunteer Examiner and retired Electrical Engineer.
Training materials are available at no cost for self study or as the text for teaching a formal classroom license class. Additional materials are available if you plan to teach a license class including power point slides that follow the syllabi for Technician, General, and Extra licenses. Visit the training tab to get started today!
The materials provided have been copyrighted by the author but can be freely downloaded and used providing it is not sold or incorporated into other materials or web sites. If you wish to reference these materials on your website, please use a link to this page so you will have the latest revisions.